PRINCE Notes These notes are taken from History of Spartanburg, By J.B.O. Landrum, copyright 1900. Pages 19-20:
"At this term of court it was ordered that the following persons be summoned to attend the next court to serve as
grand jurors, to wit: Wm. Bensong, George Bruton, William Thomson, David Lewis, Charles James, John Head, William Lipscomb,
James Oliphant, Capt. Wm. Smith, Charles Moore, Zadock Ford, Andrew Barry, William Poole (Tailor), John Carnick, Thomas Jackson,
Edward Mitchison, Obediah Trimmier, Isreal Morris, Robert Goodlett, Sen'r, David McClain, Vachel Dilingham and Wm. PRINCE.
According to the record, this is the first Grand Jury that was ever drawn in Spartanburg county. The following public
roads were ordered to be opened, as shown by the record which we copy: "Road ordered from John Head's Ford on Enoree
to Isaic Crows; John Head, overseer, Mathew Couch, warner. From thence to John Patton's on So Tyger; overseer, George Bruton,
Alex Alexander, warner. From thence to the narrow passage (near & just below Nazareth Church) above Nichols' Mill; overseer,
John Barry, Moses Ward, warner. From thence to Lawson's Fork at Widow Bishop's (Adam Gramling place); overseer, Robert Jamison,
warner, John Goodlett. From thence to So Pacolette to at Kilpatrick's old place; overseer, James McDowell, warner, William
Branham. From thence to the State line by Hooper's Ford; overseer, James Hooper, warner, John EARLE, Jun'r. From Blackstock's
Ford on Tyger to opposite Widow Smith's at Davis old place; overseer, John Bearden, warner, David Pruit. From thence to Miller's
old road; overseer, Albutes Bright, warner, Nathanial Davis. From thence to a branch on Sand road below Mrs. PRINCE'S; overseer,
Hanery Wells, warner, William Underwood. . . . . Ordered that Major Ford and Samuel FARROW view the ground and conduct
the road from Blackstock's Ford on Tyger to Musgrove's on Enoree; overseer, Sampson Bobo, warner, Edward Hooker." Pages
266-275: The Earle Family "Among the earliest settlers on North Pacolet were the brothers, Baylis and John
EARLE. The former settled about mile south of the North Carolina colony line at what was afterwards know as Earlesville,
2 miles northeast of Landrum, S.C. The latter permanently settled about 2 miles north of said colony line, higher up the river
in the present county of Polk, N.C., whereon his grandson, Mr. Lafayette PRINCE, now resides (1900). Here he erected
a fort in revolutionary times, known as Earle's fort. After the treaty of Governor Glen with the Cherokee Indians in
1755, the upper portion of South Carolina, up to the Indian boundary line, was thrown open to settlement. This line, separating
the territory of South Carolina proper and the Cherokee Indian Nation, was the present dividing line between the counties
of Greenville and Spartanburg, and the present line between the counties of Anderson and Laurens. It is true that while the
lower portion of this newly acquired territory was rapidly settled up by emigrants from Pennsylvania (mostly Scotch-Irish),
Maryland, Virginia and other colonies, yet there were few who dared to venture settlement along the border line, where they
would be constantly exposed to the invasions and massacres of the Indians, but among those who did venture to open up a civilization
on North Pacolet were Baylis and John Earle. At the time of their emigration from old Virginia to the Carolinas, which was
in the early seventies of the 18th century, the great cane-brakes on North Pacolet were the favorite hunting grounds of the
Indians, and the latter were jealous of the approach of civilization in that section. It was during this trying period that
the early settlers of that region sheltered themselves in the old Block House Fort (where the line between Greenville and
Spartanburg joins the North Carolina line), Earle's fort, and other places of refuge." "By the marriage of
Colonel John EARLE and Mrs. Rebecca Wood, several children were born, among whom we would mention Mrs. Lydia PRINCE, wife
of Wm. PRINCE, who lived and died at the old John EARLE homestead on North Pacolet . . . ." "In referring to
the old family Bible of Baylis EARLE, it is recorded that he "married Mary PRINCE April 16, 1757, aged 13 years nearly."
She was born Dec. 1744, being a daughter of John PRINCE, a neighbor family in Virginia, who was a descendant of Edmund PRINCE,
Gentleman, to whom, for the transportation of persons into the colony was issued, on the 4th of October, 1639, a patent for
500 acres of land "in the countie of Charles citie." Pages 307-308: "The site of Old Fort Prince
is seven miles west of Spartanburg, one mile below Mount Zion Church, and very near the old historic Blackstock Road. It was
built by the early settlers about 12 years before the beginning of the Revolution, as a defense against the outbreak and massacres
of the Indians on the borders during the war between France and Great Britain. It was called from the Princes, who lived nearby.
Among the earliest settlers living in the vicinity of Fort Prince were the families Vernons, Jordens, Timmons, Reas or Rays,
Millers, Dodds, Collins, Lawrences, Bishops, Goodletts, Jamisons, and others. These came to this section before the Revolution,
and some of their descendants still hover around the home of their ancestors. It was during the Indian outrages of 1776, instigated
by Indian emissaries or agents, that the early settlers in the vicinities of Fort Prince, Poole's Fort near Wofford's Iron
Works (now Glendale), Nicholl's Fort at "Narrow Pass" near the residence of the late Captain David ANDERSON, Blockhouse
near Landrum, Thickety and other forts gathered and erected forts to defend themselves from impending danger. During these
trying ordeals it was necessary that a proper person be selected to purchase supplies for the maintenance of these people,
and the person selected for this responsible duty at Fort Prince was James JORDEN." Page 664 List of names
of soldiers from Spartanburg County who were enlisted in the Confederate States including those enlisted in the South Carolina
State Militia, State Reserves and Cadet Corps during 1861-1865. 3d Regiment, S.C.V., Company K Privates: D.M. PRINCE,
S.S. PEHUFF, Wm. ROLLINS wounded 2d Manassas, D.M. PRINCE, S.S. PEHUFF, Wm. ROLLINS wounded near Richmond . . . .